The wizard men curing breast cancer

Leonid Schneider in For Better Science:

The pseudonymous image integrity sleuth Clare Francis specialises since many years on finding data manipualtion in cancer research, and now suggested I write about some of the scientists funded by BCRF. I think it is a good idea to honour these wizards of the Photoshop, the wise men whose cancer research brought them tremendous fame, money and power. But what did it objectively bring to cancer patients, like the many women suffering and dying of breast cancer? Will h-index and impact factor ever be truly able help them, or can we maybe place higher quality expectations on biomedical research?

Robert “Bob” Weinberg

Weinberg is God of cancer research, and this means something in such a polytheistic religion as cancer research is. He is so important that the only reason he has not received the Nobel Prize for curing cancer yet is because the Nobel would be a too small an award for his achievements. Weinberg is so respected by the scientific community that he is even allowed to submit manipulated data in his corrections.