Tag: youtube
Wednesday, December 28, 2016
Raga: a personal introduction by Ravi Shankar
Video length: 12:41
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
Kumar Gandharva Live In Sarnath
Sunday, December 25, 2016
Tom Shaner “Last Summer”
zsa zsa gabor (1917 -2016)
china machado (1929 – 2016)
Bernie Sanders In A Candid Conversation With Sarah Silverman
Saturday, December 24, 2016
Trololo Guy’s Triumphant Return to Trololo-ing
Original video length: 2:41
New video length: 3:13
Thursday, December 22, 2016
Traces of the Sun
Video length: 1:57
[Thanks to Neil Whitman.]
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Paul Bloom: The Science of Political Judgment and Empathy
Video length: 5:24
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
Jonathan Haidt: “Two incompatible sacred values in American universities”
Video length: 1:06:22
Sunday, December 18, 2016
Esma Redžepova (1943 – 2016)
joe ligon (1936 – 2016)
Dr. Henry Heimlich (1920 – 2016)
Saturday, December 17, 2016
Bee Gees: “One Night Only” Las Vegas Full Concert from 1997
Video length: 1:50:40
[Especially for my sisters Azra and Sughra.]
Friday, December 16, 2016
Interview With John Nash and his Schizophrenic Son
Video length: 7:10
Some time ago I came upon a recommendation letter written by a professor of mathematics and physics at Carnegie Mellon for John Nash, who was applying for admission to Princeton for grad school. Nash, of course, went on to win a Nobel prize and is the subject of the movie A Beautiful Mind, which you may have seen. His invention of what is now called the Nash Equilibrium is one of the foundational concepts of game theoretic economics. Anyway, here is the letter:
Thursday, December 15, 2016
Scientists have found the speed limit of vision with an illusion in which nothing moves at all
Stephen L. Macknik in Scientific American:
An entry from The Best Illusion of the Year Contest started off as a representation of the Loch Ness monster, but has grown to become one of the most intriguing, and potentially most important, illusions. The effect stems from a jumping ring: line-segments arranged randomly in an annulus rotate smoothly, and periodically rescramble into a new pattern of randomly arranged line-segments. Bizarrely, the rescrambling appears to viewers as a rapid backward jump in rotation, despite that there is no real motion (or direction of motion) during the rescrambling. Pretty cool.
Mark Wexler of the University of Paris V in France, who discovered the original Loch Ness effect, took third-prize in the contest. He named it the Loch Ness aftereffect after a classic illusion known to ancient Greeks, which Robert Addams later rediscovered in 1834 at the Falls of Foyers (the waterfalls that feed Loch Ness in Scotland). If you stare at the waterfalls for a while, the stationary rocks near the falling water will appear to drift upward. But unlike in the waterfall effect, Wexler’s illusory motion aftereffect is 100 times faster than the inducing movement! So this is not your parent’s waterfall effect: something new is happening.
More here.
Stephen Hawking vs. Paul Rudd in Quantum Chess (featuring Keanu Reeves)
Video length: 11:50
[Thanks to Sean Carroll.]
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
The Dance of Life: David Chalmers, Susana Martinez-Conde, Peter Hacker
Our life is made up of experiences. But what experience is remains a mystery. Heidegger thought it inexplicable and neuroscientists cannot find its location. Do we just need a better theory to uncover its secrets? Or is experience somehow both all that we have and yet not part of this world?
Video length: 43:42