Monday Poem

The Algonquin tribes knew this moon as thetime to gather ripening strawberries……………………………………–Old Farmer's Almanac Strawberry MoonI read you Strawberry Moonyou pull the sea in the summermore than two-hundred-thousand milesI see your reach is so longyour arm of gravityyour face of sunlight at midnightthey hold me too But in the moon when the deer shed their…

Monday Poem

Song Behind a Rear-Tined TillerThey believed consciousness resided in the heart Aristotle believed this, and the Egyptianswho scooped out dead Pharaoh's brainthrough his nose with a spoonand stuffed his skull with rags assuringhe would not be thinking in the other worldto which he'd travel by long boatbeing wrapped in cloth, speechless, supine in gold,embarked with…

Monday Poem

Better to say NowI almost didn't get up this morningsleep was so I-want-to-stay-here-the-world-is-fuckedbut there's still something blissful about breathingand notwithstanding what's all too typical in this worldI opened my eyes and found you thereas startlingly usual and knew that with you and our daughtersand friends and the means to ambulate, see, hear, and helpI'd miss…

Monday Poem

“The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind.” ………………………………………… –Bob Dylan Eclipse at a wall on a corner of the worldI’m still waiting for Godot as mullahsand priests go by in the robesof their pride incensing andmurmuring. I’m thinkingburn-poles and bombs and wonderhow many gods must there bein the world before too manypeople have…

Monday Poem

The Furnace Coffee’s made, the tea-water’s on and here's a glazed pane of iridescent froststroked by a ghost etcher’s point —struck through with silver and laced with light: its gravure of fern fronds glistens on a clear silicon plate……………….…………And there's a brilliant postage stamp of bluepiercing an otherwise stratocumulus domemarking a bit of sky beyond…

Monday Poem

GeeseThis morning when the sky’s red skin isdrawn across a beginning and the grassis taut with frost and the clarityof the edge of things recallsthe precision of an engraver’s pointan irregular V of geese passes left to rightlike beads of an animated rosaryeach a honking Hail Marya striving prayeran individual articulating dotan I-am of we-are…

Monday Poem

Making Way —Narragansett Bay 1960 We part from the dockslow as disengaging loversone landlocked the other afloater who won’t bekept at bay The diminishing pier slides back its bollards and planks deployto some other place not herebut to a distancing otherworld—the tether breaks as stern-first we pass the channel buoy ….Quarter back, the O-D says.….Quarter…

Monday Poem

Icon ………………………………………………………………………………………….I received a snap of Duke the Dog in which duke in radiant atmosphere standsquintessentially dog-like ……………………………………open-mouthedlolling tongue four-squarepaws planted in green earth ……………………………….…..expectantpoised to please …………………very Christ-likein mist halo silent light still ………………………………. ….all aware I’m yourshe barks standing by……………………….. throw that last stick nowbefore I mount this brilliant torchand rise to sit…

Monday Poem

“… scientists (have been) able to trick (fruit) flies into having associative memories of events they had not actually experienced.” …………………………………………………… –Nature News, Oct 15, 2009Which is Which or Who is Whom They say fruit fly brains may be made to have memories of where they've never flown I’m like a fruit fly in this…

Monday Poem

To Roof Ah, to put a roofing spadeto desiccated shingles To lean upon the spade-handle’s endleveraging stubborn nailsfrom their impacted seats To wrench my back To abrade my bleeding hands againstroking the asphalt’s pebbled face To fight a wind while laying felt which, like Ahab’s sails, would whisk me to a mad roofer’s end To…

Monday Poem

“Gravitational corridors could help spacecraft ply the solar system like shipsborne on ocean currents, (say) scientists investigating space travel.”…………………………………………………………….–The Telegraph; Sept. 10,2009 Ignorant Explorers In what seems void are corridors:avenues in nets of gravity between planetssuns moons meteors dust, channelsin nets of love between us ………………We set out through themfirst in flame machinesburning hydrogen and…