Leibniz’s Stepped Reckoner, and a clock for the next 10,000 years

by Charlie Huenemann In 1671, in some letters exchanged with the French mathematician Pierre de Carcavy, Leibniz mentioned his plans to create a calculating machine. Apparently, he had been inspired by a pedometer, probably thinking that if machines could count, they could then calculate. Within a couple of years, he hired a craftsman build a…

On Solitary Confinement and Social Media or, Making Solipsism Possible

by Charlie Huenemann (image from lthscomputerart.weebly.com) Last month (April 19, 2014), 3QD's Robin Varghese linked to an article by philosopher Lisa Guenther on the effects of solitary confinement on the mind. (The original article was published in the online magazine Aeon.) Guenther's essay is fascinating, as it provides a vivid account of how our perception…