From the Rational Optimist Society:
What if I told you the next energy revolution isn’t in the sky, but under your feet?
Deep underground, beneath layers of dirt and ancient rock, an endless furnace burns hotter than the surface of the sun.
It’s been running since Earth formed 4.6 billion years ago, generating enough heat to easily power all of humanity.
This vast energy source has always been tantalizingly out of reach. But armed with a newly repurposed technology, three American startups are now racing to tap into Earth’s natural power plant.
Temperatures reach 10,800°F at Earth’s core. Just a few miles down, the rocks are hot enough to boil water instantly. This is the source of geothermal energy.
The heat locked in Earth’s crust holds more energy than all the world’s oil, coal, gas, and uranium combined—and it’s not close…
More here.
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