How Deese got there

Kate Mackenzie and Tim Sahay in The Polycrisis Dispatch:

This week the Brian Deese — former WH National Economic Council director of Bidenomics — essay in Foreign Affairs calling for a “green US Marshall Plan” has inevitably drawn a lot of attention. We’re planning a bigger analysis in the next Polycrisis newsletter around mid-late September. (If you’re not signed up, go here and do it). This week, we reflecting on pivotal moments and themes that led to this particular development.

But first, let’s deal with the concern over the “Marshall Plan” label:

Balance of Payments (BoP), Lender of last resort (LoLR), Rest of World (RoW)

Whatever its shortcomings, Deese’s proposal does attempt to reckon with new realities: China has had a Cambrian Explosion in clean tech manufacturing; China’s overseas development finance is seen in the south as more appealing and less conditional than the US; many southern countries are exasperated with the world order; and US domestic politics are in a permanent trench war. And climate change can’t be stopped without addressing all of this and more.

More here.

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