The voting round of our philosophy prize (details here) is over. Thanks to the nominators and the voters for participating.
So here they are, the top 20, in descending order from the most voted-for:
- Imperfect Cognitions: Sadder but Wiser? Interview with Jennifer Radden
- Absolute Irony: Nāgārjuna, Nietzsche, and Rorty’s Strange Looping Trick
- A Wondering Jew: The Sound of Silence
- The Philosopher's Beard: The Case for Ethical Warning Labels on Animal Products
- A Philosopher's Take: Moral Resposibility and Volunteer Soldiers
- A Bag of Raisins: An Excerpt from Plato's “Philosopher”
- Angela Roothaan: (Auto)biography and Derrida II (finished reading)
- Elisa Freschi: Veṅkaṭanātha’s contribution to Viśiṣṭādvaita Vedānta
- Imperfect Cognitions: Epistemic Injustice and Illness
- Psychiatric Ethics: Anosognosia and Epistemic Innocence: Lisa Bortolotti
- Proof I Never Want To Be President (Of Anything): Work Friends
- Vihvelin: How Not to Think About Free Will
- Huffington Post: Muslims: WWJD (What Would Jefferson Do?)
- 3 Quarks Daily: The Sense of Self: A Conversation
- Flickers of Freedom: The Case for Libertarian Compatibilism
- Indian Philosophy Blog: On the possibility and nature of neurophilosophical study of Indic traditions
The editors of 3 Quarks Daily will now pick the top six entries from these, and after possibly adding up to three “wildcard” entries, will send that list of finalists to Huw Price for final judging. We will post the shortlist of finalists here on Monday, December 1st.