3QD Science Prize Finalists 2014


FinalistScience2014The editors of 3QD have made their decision. The twenty semifinalists have been winnowed down to six, and three wildcard entries added. Thanks again to all the participants. Details of the prize can be found here.

On the right is a “trophy” logo that our finalists may choose to display on their own blogs.

So, here it is, the final list that I am sending to Frans B. M. de Waal, who will select the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prize winners from these: (in alphabetical order by blog name here)

  1. 3 Quarks Daily: The Dictionary is not Literature
  2. Curious Meerkat: Eating Insects
  3. Eruptions: So, You Think Yellowstone Is About to Erupt
  4. Genotopia: On city life, the history of science, and the genetics of race
  5. Preposterous Universe: Why the Many-Worlds Formulation of Quantum Mechanics Is Probably Correct
  6. Science Sushi: Did Allergies Evolve To Save Your Life?
  7. Slate: Promiscuity Is Pragmatic
  8. The Loom: The Wisdom of (Little) Crowds
  9. The Philosopher's Beard: Love's Labours Lost: How Robots Will Transform Human Intimacy

We'll announce the three winners on September 22, 2014.

Good luck!


P.S. The editors of 3QD will not be making any comments on our deliberations, or the process by which we made our decision, other than to simply say that we picked what we thought were the best six posts out of the semifinalists, and added three others which we also liked.