The Nominees for the 2010 3QD Prize in Science Are:

Alphabetical list of blog names followed by the blog post title:

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  1. 3 Quarks Daily: Mesothelioma as Metaphor
  2. 3 Quarks Daily: Sigmund Freud – “A Dream of Undying Fame”
  3. 3 Quarks Daily: The [Non-] Theory of Psychological Testing
  4. A Primate of Modern Aspect: So… Did knuckle walking evolve twice?
  5. Anecdotal Economics: Slouching Toward Despotism
  6. Archive Fire: Breakdown, Or a Degree of Difference
  7. A Schooner of Science: Chemistry of Kissing
  8. Bad Astronomy: A lunar illusion you’ll flip over
  9. Cocktail Party Physics: All in the Family
  10. Code for Life: GMOs and the plants we eat: neither are “natural”
  11. Code for Life: The Inheritance of Face Recognition
  12. Cognition and Culture: camphor – ammonia = anniseed X peppermint
  13. Cosmic Variance: Free Energy and the Meaning of Life
  14. Cosmic Variance: Non-Normalizable Probability Measures for Fun and Profit
  15. Daylight Atheism: A Sense of Kinship
  16. Denim and Tweed: Dethroning the Red Queen?
  17. EcoTone: Fire ant decapitating flies take hold in Florida, one head at a time
  18. Evolving Thoughts: Apes and Evolution in the News
  19. Evolving Thoughts: Social dominance hierarchies
  20. Facto Diem: Prime Years of Life
  21. Gene Expression: Experiments in cultural transmission and human cultural evolution
  22. Gödel’s Lost Letter and P=NP: The World is Digital
  23. Health Net Navigation: Reflections of Med 2.0 Conference
  24. In the Dark: The Academic Journal Racket
  25. Mad in America: A Schizophrenia Mystery Solved
  26. Mental Floss: Everybody Hurts (Even Crabs)
  27. My Growing Passion: The Evolution of Chloroplasts
  28. NeuroDojo: The princess and the perfume, a hermit crab fairy tale
  29. Neuron Culture: Does depression have an upside? It’s complicated
  30. Neurotopia: The Hyena Mating Game
  31. Not Exactly Rocket Science: Caterpillars use bacteria to produce green islands in yellowing leaves
  32. Not Exactly Rocket Science: Gut bacteria in Japanese people borrowed digesting genes from ocean bacteria
  33. Not Exactly Rocket Science: Pigeons outperform humans at the Monty Hall Dilemma
  34. Not Exactly Rocket Science: Power breeds hypocrisy
  35. Not Exactly Rocket Science: Raptorex shows that T. Rex body plan evolved at 100th the size
  36. Not Exactly Rocket Science: The evolution of the past tense – how verbs change over time
  37. Observations of a Nerd: Ancient Sex Scandals: Did We Get It On With Neanderthals?
  38. Observations of a Nerd: Evolution: The Curious Case of Dogs
  39. Observations of a Nerd: Evolution: Watching Speciation Occur
  40. Oscillator: Knowledge is Power
  41. Pharyngula: It’s ALIVE!
  42. Postcards from an intellectual odyssey: The mysterious love child of geology and biology: Hydrothermal Vents – Part 2
  43. Professor Astronomy: In Defense of Wasteful Science
  44. Ramblings: The Neotony Hypothesis – How did human intelligence evolve?
  45. Rangle: The Science Education with makeshift equipment
  46. Sandwalk: Human Y Chromosome Mutation Rates
  47. SarahAskew: A blast from a black hole’s past
  48. Science Cheerleader: The Lightning Grief
  49. Science Life: Slot Machines: Neuroscience in Action
  50. Scientific Blogging: MSL: Mars Action Hero
  51. Scientific Chick: Cell phones: Curing brain diseases since 2010
  52. Scientific Chick: To panic or not to panic: An interview with the Swine Flu
  53. Skepsisfera: A New Dark Age
  54. Small Things Considered: Paleovirology
  55. Southern Fried Science: Are sandbar sharks more like bowhead whales or cod?
  56. Southern Fried Science: The Cove, Dolphins, and Mercury
  57. Southern Fried Science: The Menhaden of History
  58. Surprising Science: The World’s Strangest Scientific Names
  59. The Artful Amoeba: Killer Yeast from South America
  60. The Artful Amoeba: The Seafaring Killer Bacterium
  61. The Astronomist: Dark Matter Confronts Observations
  62. The Atavism: Nucleotide diversity – what two new African genomes mean
  63. The Chicken or the Egg: The complicated genetics of human eye color inheritance
  64. The Language of Bad Physics: The Language of Science – it’s “just a theory”
  65. The Loom: Linux Versus E. coli
  66. The Loom: Skullcaps and Genomes
  67. The Loom: The X-Woman’s Fingerbone
  68. The Loom: Why Madagascar’s Tapeworms Matter–To You
  69. The Primate Diaries: Chimpanzees Prefer Fair Play to Reaping an Unjust Reward
  70. The Science Essayist: On Seeing Yourself
  71. The South Asian Idea Weblog: The World Is Too Big to Fail But…
  72. The Thoughtful Animal: Does oral sex confer an evolutionary advantage? Evidence from bats
  73. The Thoughtful Animal: Path Integration in the Desert Ant
  74. The Thoughtful Animal: The Russian Fox Study
  75. Tom Paine’s Ghost: Swimming in Ethanol’s Ethos
  76. University of Oxford Science Blog: Oxford and the Royal Society’s Origins
  77. Unruled Notebook: Laminar Flow Reversibility: Why Does the Blob Rewind?
  78. Virology Blog: Influenza Virus in the Toilet
  79. Weird Things: Why we’re stuck with dark energy
  80. Why Evolution Is True: The Evolutionary Calculus of Depression

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