The voting round of our arts & literature prize (details here) is over. A total of 2010 (odd coincidence, huh?) votes were cast for the 79 nominees (click here for full list of nominees). Thanks to the nominators and the voters for participating.
Carla Goller has designed a “trophy” logo that our top twenty vote-getters may choose to display on their own sites. So here they are, in descending order from the most voted-for:
3 Quarks Daily: James Ensor: Keepin' It Surreal
- The Millions: Proust’s Arabesk: The Museum of Innocence by Orhan Pamuk
- The Second Pass: Mary Flannery, Quite Contrary
- The Rumpus: Interview with Sam Anderson
- 3 Quarks Daily: Somebody Nailed My Dress To The Wall
- Quantum Tantra: The New Sex Robot
- PEN America: Tomasz Rozycki on “Scorched Maps”
- The Millions: It’s All Right to Cry: Restoring Raymond Carver’s Voice
- Digital Emunction: Fake Book Review 9
- Imaginary Boundaries: To Live Outside the Law, You Must Be Honest
- Geoffrey Philp's Blogspot: You're Not My Son Anymore
- The Millions: It’s Not You, It’s Me: Thoughts on Lorrie Moore’s A Gate at the Stairs
- Digital Emunction: A Lume Spento
- Letters From Exile: Letters From Exile IV
- 3 Quarks Daily: The Bitter Taste of Life
- In This Light: Lens and Pen as Mirrors
- 3 Quarks Daily: Mapping the Cracks: Art-Objects in Motion
- Cognition and Culture: The universality of music: Cross-cultural comparison, the recognition of emotions, and the influence of the the Backstreet Boys on a Cockatoo
- Infrequent Thoughts, Haphazardly Published: Lucky
- Michael Bérubé: Mighty Moloch, cure me of my severe allergy to the discourse of the “cure”
The editors of 3 Quarks Daily will now pick the top six entries from these, and after possibly adding up to three “wildcard” entries, will send that list of finalists to Robert Pinsky on March 10. We will also post the list of finalists here on that date.
Good luck!