Truth, Incompleteness and the Gödelian Way

Edward Rothstein on Rebecca Goldstein’s new book, Incompleteness: The Proof and Paradox of Kurt Gödel, in the New York Times:

Relativity. Incompleteness. Uncertainty.

Is there a more powerful modern Trinity? These reigning deities proclaim humanity’s inability to thoroughly explain the world. They have been the touchstones of modernity, their presence an unwelcome burden at first, and later, in the name of postmodernism, welcome company.

Their rule has also been affirmed by their once-sworn enemy: science. Three major discoveries in the 20th century even took on their names. Albert Einstein’s famous Theory (Relativity), Kurt Gödel’s famous Theorem (Incompleteness) and Werner Heisenberg’s famous Principle (Uncertainty) declared that, henceforth, even science would be postmodern.

Or so it has seemed. But as Rebecca Goldstein points out in her elegant new book, “Incompleteness: The Proof and Paradox of Kurt Gödel” (Atlas Books; Norton), of these three figures, only Heisenberg might have agreed with this characterization.

More here.