The voting round of our science prize (details here) is over. A total of 1475 votes were cast for the 80 nominees (click here for full list of nominees). Thanks to the nominators and the voters for participating.
Carla Goller has designed a “trophy” logo that our top twenty vote-getters may choose to display on their own sites. So here they are, in descending order from the most voted-for:
Rangle: The Science Education with makeshift equipment
- Facto Diem: Prime Years of Life
- Mental Floss: Everybody Hurts (Even Crabs)
- Bad Astronomy: A lunar illusion you'll flip over
- Daylight Atheism: A Sense of Kinship
- The Primate Diaries: Chimpanzees Prefer Fair Play to Reaping an Unjust Reward
- University of Oxford Science Blog: Oxford and the Royal Society's Origins
- Health Net Navigation: Reflections of Med 2.0 Conference
- My Growing Passion: The Evolution of Chloroplasts
- Not Exactly Rocket Science: Gut bacteria in Japanese people borrowed digesting genes from ocean bacteria
- 3 Quarks Daily: The [Non-] Theory of Psychological Testing
- Scientific Chick: Cell phones: Curing brain diseases since 2010
- Scientific Blogging: MSL: Mars Action Hero
- Professor Astronomy: In Defense of Wasteful Science
- Neurotopia: The Hyena Mating Game
- The Language of Bad Physics: The Language of Science – it's “just a theory”
- The Thoughtful Animal: Does oral sex confer an evolutionary advantage? Evidence from bats
- Observations of a Nerd: Evolution: The Curious Case of Dogs
- 3 Quarks Daily: Sigmund Freud – “A Dream of Undying Fame”
- A Schooner of Science: Chemistry of Kissing
The editors of 3 Quarks Daily will now pick the top six entries from these, and after possibly adding up to three “wildcard” entries, will send that list of finalists to Richard Dawkins on June 11. We will also post the list of finalists here on that date.
Good luck!