Originally from Karachi, Pakistan, Abbas has an undergraduate degree in electrical engineering & computer science from Johns Hopkins University, and a graduate degree in philosophy from Columbia University. He lives with his wife, Margit Oberrauch, and their feline friend, Frederica Krueger, near the small, very beautiful city of Brixen in the Italian Alps.
Email: s.abbas.raza.1 [at] gmail.com

Robin Varghese lives in New York City and is failing at his ambition to become a self-sufficient slacker, working instead on information policy issues. He holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from Columbia University, where he studied Western European political economy.
Email: robinvar [at] gmail.com

Morgan has a Ph.D. in philosophy. He was supposed to specialize in the Greeks and Romans but managed to write a dissertation on Walter Benjamin. Also, he is the president of an arts collective in Queens called Flux Factory. Also, he writes regularly for The Smart Set. Also, he is a senior consulting editor for the Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal. Also, he wins things.
Email: morganmeis [at] gmail.com

Azra was born in Karachi, Pakistan, and is an oncologist and research scientist by profession. She lives in Manhattan with her daughter Sheherzad. In these scoundrel times, she is convinced that the best way “to tame the savageness of man and make gentle the life of this world” is by promoting and publicizing the achievements of humanity in science, art, and literature. She is specially moved by fine poetry.
Email: azra.raza [at] columbia.edu

Sughra grew up in Karachi, Pakistan, along with siblings Abbas and Azra (above), and several others. She studied fine arts as an undergraduate, later shifting gears to become a doctor of medicine, specializing in diagnostic radiology. Sughra lives in Boston, Massachusetts, working and teaching at Brigham & Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School. She feels most excited in a world of images, invention, art and music; and inspite of Fenway Park floodlights lighting up the sky in her windows, she remains oblivious to the Red Sox battling the Yankees a stone’s throw away.
Email: sraza1 [at] bwh.harvard.edu

Jim Culleny is the Poetry Editor of 3 Quarks Daily. After a stint in the navy, Jim received a BA in Art Education from William Paterson University and did graduate work in art at NYU. He taught art for several years in NJ public schools in Newark and Bergen County. Taught a little bit of everything else during two years at a remote residential community school in New York’s Adirondacks. Was a social worker in Lower Manhattan before Soho was Soho. Made a living most of his life as a carpenter, designer, and builder. Did regular radio commentary for about 10 years during Morning Edition on WFCR.FM in Amherst, Mass. and some for NPR on All Things Considered. Played and sang his way from rockabilly to jazz in numberless band permutations over a period too long to believe. Came to poetry through songwriting. Has had work published in The Third Muse Poetry Journal, the Christian Science Monitor, Penthouse Journal, and in 5-Minute Pieces, a chapbook published in Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts. He’s also been writing a regular op-ed column for the past 12 years for the Greenfield Recorder along the beautiful Connecticut River, and is presently making a living as project manager for an Architectural firm. Jim lives with his wife, Pat, of 31 years, and his 17 year old granddaughter. He has three daughters and four other grandchildren.
Email: jimculleny [at] comcast.net