Teaching Surgery With New Technology

Jolene Craig in the Parkersburg News and Sentinel:

A cardiac surgeon from Harvard Medical School performed a technique new to the Mid-Ohio Valley Friday with live video to other doctors in St. Joseph’s Hospital.

Dr. Lawrence H. Cohn, Virginia and James Hubbard Professor of Cardiac Surgery at Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Mass., performed mitral valve repair on a female patient with live video feed to a conference room to allow for cardiac surgeons to ask questions during the procedure, said Jill Parsons, vice president of St. Joseph’s Hospital…

“St. Joseph’s Hospital lead cardiac surgeon Dr. Syed Tasnim Raza trained with Cohn and talked him into coming to Parkersburg,” Parsons said.

Cohn said Raza worked in his lab 20 years ago and they have remained friends.

More here.  And make sure you click on the video below to see a short clip featuring Drs. Raza and Cohn. [If you have a pop-up blocker installed, try holding the cntrl-key down when you click.]

Teaching With New Technology

I myself have been “operated” on once by Dr. Syed T. Raza: he stiched up a gash over my right eye after accidentally smashing me with a squash raquet during a game. (I must have been beating him!) He did a pretty good job too (with the stiching, I mean). He is, I could not be more proud to say, my much respected and beloved brother.