Diet-related diseases are the No. 1 cause of death in the US – yet many doctors receive little to no nutrition education in med school

Nathaniel Johnson and Madeline Comeau in The Conversation:

Both of us understand the powerful effects that food has on your health and longevity. A poor diet may lead to cardiovascular diseasediabetesobesity and even psychological conditions like depression and anxiety. Diet-related diseases are the leading causes of death in the U.S., and a poor diet is responsible for more deaths than smoking.

These health problems are not only common and debilitating, but expensive. Treating high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol costs about US$400 billion per year. Within 25 years, those costs are expected to triple, to $1.3 trillion.

These facts support the need for physicians to give accurate advice about diet to help prevent these diseases. But how much does a typical physician know about nutrition?

More here.

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