Vance the Convert

Damon Linker at Persuasion:

It can be a comfort and consolation to believe one’s political opponents don’t really mean what they say. They’re liars. Hypocrites. Shameless opportunists who will say and do anything to gain power. It’s impossible to take them seriously.

So it’s been with the reaction of Democrats to news that the Republican nominee Donald Trump has chosen Ohio Senator JD Vance as his running mate. Because Vance was once a ferocious Trump critic and changed his views around the time he launched his Senate campaign in 2021, it’s easy to conclude that everything he’s said and done since then has been a cynical ruse. He’s just saying what he thinks he must in order to get ahead in a Trumpified GOP. None of it’s real. He’s faking it from top to bottom.

I think that’s wrong—and Democrats affirm it at their peril.

More here.

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