Willlard Boepple’s “Shards”

Michael Fried at nonsite:

Willard Boepple’s “Shards” fuse two art forms, sculpture and monoprints, to make a third which is sui generis and yet partakes of both of the others. Most intimately, the “Shards” bear a relation to the intensely coloristic monoprints that Boepple has been making since roughly 2004 in collaboration—following his choices and decisions—with Kip Gresham, a master printmaker in Cambridge, England. As described by Karen Wilkin in her indispensable book on the artist:

Each shape goes down on the paper as an expanse of uninflected, transparent color. [The shapes determined by stencils prepared beforehand.] As other shapes are added, the overlapping hues create new densities and new colors. Changing the sequence can further alter these tonal and chromatic relationships, creating new spatial suggestions, so that we read each of these unique images differently.1

“New spatial suggestions” is right.

more here.