Bobi Wine

Lawrence Weschler at Wondercabinet:

We just want to call everyone’s attention to the rolling nationwide release this week and over the next several (for a complete list of cities and venues see here) of a terrific new film on the life and project of Bobi Wine, the vividly bracing and charismatic Ugandan Afro-pop musician who went from the Kampalan slums to continent-wide celebrity before running afoul of thuggish dictatorial regime of the country’s longtime dictator Museveni (initially by refusing to buckle under to forced-march participation in a music video celebrating the tyrant’s umpteenth presidential run back in 2016). As the regime responded by beginning to forbid his holding concerts in his home country, Wine instead ran for parliament and against all odds won his seat and began flipping other seats by way of his endorsements, till he decided to run himself for president the next time round, in 2020-21, notwithstanding a whole slew of harrowing assassination attempts, arrests and sieges of torture.

more here.