Stanford President Resigns After Reporting From Freshman Journalist Theo Baker

Mary Retta at Teen Vogue:

The president of Stanford University, Marc Tessier-Lavigne, recently announced his impending resignation after the university’s board of trustees found data manipulations in academic papers he co-authored. Though there reportedly were rumors of manipulated information in those papers, Stanford’s student newspaper, The Stanford Daily, officially broke the story in November 2022. Then, on July 17, a report from the university’s board of trustees that reviewed 12 papers — five where Tessier-Lavigne was a principal author — concluded that while he “did not have any knowledge of any manipulation of research data” and either “was not in a position where a reasonable scientist would be expected to have detected any such misconduct” or “was not reckless in failing to identify such manipulation prior to publication,” he also “failed to decisively and forthrightly correct mistakes in the scientific record.” The report also mentioned that Tessier-Lavigne “has not been able to provide an adequate explanation” for why he did not correct the scientific record on multiple occasions after concerns were raised.

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