Antifragility and Anomaly: Why Science Works

by Paul Braterman Scientific theories are antifragile; they thrive on anomalies. Some things are fragile – they break. Some are robust – they can withstand harsh treatment. But the most interesting kind are antifragile, emerging strengthened and enriched from challenges. Whatever does not kill them makes them stronger. Science is as successful as it is,…

The Deep Roots of Intelligent Design Creationism (Part II of Kelvin, Rutherford, and the Age of the Earth )

by Paul Braterman Last November, creationist objectors in Texas tried yet again to sabotage the state's textbook adoption process. One of the objections concerned the age of the Earth, using the long refuted cooling argument that goes back to Kelvin in the 1860s. An online conversation about the matter directed me to the real flaw…

Kelvin, Rutherford, and the Age of the Earth: I, The Myth

by Paul Braterman Lord Kelvin (Smithsoinian Instituion Libraries collection) Kelvin calculated that the Earth was probably around 24 million years old, from how fast it is cooling. Rutherford believed that Kelvin’s calculation was wrong because of the heat generated by radioactivity. Kelvin was wrong, but so was Rutherford. The Earth is indeed many times older…

Credit where none is due; creationist colleges and courses

by Paul Braterman I am browsing school science textbooks published and marketed by an influential and nationally accredited US university. Here is what I find.[1] Satan wants people to believe in evolution. This is probably the main reason that evolution is so popular. Evolution relies on processes that cannot be observed, therefore it isn’t a…

Darwin, God, Alvin Plantinga, and Evolution (Part II)

by Paul Braterman Professor Plantinga lecturing, 2009 Prof Alvin Plantinga, of Notre Dame University, is perhaps the most distinguished critic of current views on evolution. He claims that if our conceptual apparatus is simply the product of naturalistic Darwinian evolution, it will generally give rise to unreliable results. From this premise he argues that it…

Darwin, God, Alvin Plantinga, and Evolution

by Paul Braterman Watercolour, Darwin after return from The Beagle, by George Richmond Charles Darwin regarded our minds, like our bodies, as the products of undirected evolution. He therefore considered them unreliable on topics vastly more abstruse than the experiences that had shaped them. Alvin Plantinga claims that minds produced by undirected evolution could not…

Creationism as conspiracy theory – the case of the peppered moth

Addendum: On the day this item was posted, a school board member in Nebraska used slides of Well’s Icons of Evolution to argue that the school should teach “the evidence for and against neo-Darwinian evolution;” details here and here. by Paul Braterman Comparison of carbonaria and typica mounted against post-industrial treetrunk, 2006. Licenced under GFDL…