The voting round of our philosophy prize (details here) is over. A total of 515 votes were cast for the 40 nominees (click here for full list of nominees). Thanks to the nominators and the voters for participating.
So here they are, the top 20, in descending order from the most voted-for:
FauxPhilNews: Kripke resigns as report alleges that he faked results of thought experiments
- Tang Dynasty Times: Ai Weiwei and “Das Ding”
- The Immanent Frame: Love's Ladder's God
- Big Think: The Moral Significance of Sex Workers and People With Disabilities
- The Philosopher's Beard: Democracy is not a truth machine
- 3 AM Magazine: Imagining god creating poppies
- Meditations Hegeliènnes: Kritik des unreinen Gedankes
- Michael D. Stark: Faith and Uncertainty
- Orienteringsforsok: Meaning and Mortality
- 3 Quarks Daily: The Bhagavad Gita Revisited
- 3 Quarks Daily: On Eating Animals
- Ratio Juris: Toward a Philosophically Sound & Bioethically Sensitive Definition of Public Health Law
- Experimental Philosophy: Factive Verbs and Protagonist Projection
- TTahko: The Philosophical Significance of the Higgs “Discovery”
- Tom Paine's Ghost: Atheist Morality: Ratcheting Forward
- Flickers of Freedom: Freaks and Geeks and Ordinal Proportionality
- Tomkow: A Few Short Steps to the Gallows
- The Philosophy of Poetry: Prophecy and Abstraction in a Passionless Age
- Bleeding Heart Libertarians: Recharting the Map of Social and Political Theory: Where is Government? Where is Conservatism?
- Philosophy, etc.: Singer's Pond and Quality of Will
The editors of 3 Quarks Daily will now pick the top six entries from these, and after possibly adding up to three “wildcard” entries, will send that list of finalists to Justin E. H. Smith for final judging. We will post the shortlist of finalists here in the next day or two.
Good luck!